16 June 2009

Nature gets it wrong .. again

Sometimes nature goes so horribly wrong

TV Documentary about a toddler born with eight limbs and believed by some to be the reincarnation of the multi-limbed Hindu goddess Lakshmi(correction.) She is set to undergo a 40-hour operation to remove half of her limbs.

Lakshmi Tatma was born joined to a 'parasitic twin' and will go under the knife at the hands of 30 surgeons to remove two of her useless arms and legs. The headless 'twin' is joined to Lakshmi at the pelvis and has its own spinal column and kidney.

Without the operation the little girl would never be able to walk or crawl and would be unlikely to live past her early teens, doctors said. The extraordinary eight-limbed baby was born in a poverty-stricken region of Bihar, India - on the day devoted to the celebration of the four-armed Hindu deity Vishnu.

Her mother Poonam Tatma said she believed her daughter was "a miracle, a reincarnation" of Vishnu.


Neuro Aster (a.k.a. Jon Pear) said...

"There is a biological theory called the 'green beard effect.' Suppose there were a gene which did two things:

1) caused people who carried it to have green beards; and

2) caused people who carried it to behave altruistically towards people with green beards.

It's easy to see why this gene might be favored and spread through the population." (Richard Mason)

Lost In Brain Space said...

I don't know that genes have an ability to cause altruism in respect of green beards, I don't think they're that specialist. Although, they might cause us to feel less threatened and thus to have a fellow-feeling towards people with physical features similar to their own. There's nothing surprising in a green bearded man behaving altruistically, in particular, towards another green bearded man.

But there are then the faulty genes that produce conjoined twins, one without a head forming part of the torso of the child with a head. This is nature gone wrong, in my opinion.

Lost In Brain Space said...

PS: Good to see you again, hope everything is well.